
小さな頃より物を作る事が大好きで、大人になってからも一生続けられる仕事を探していた気がします。(陶芸、パン作り、京都友禅染めの修行をしていました)。 幸運にもロサンゼルスにてアクセサリー作りに出会い、その美しさと楽しさに魅了され、ニューヨークに来てからは趣味の域を超え、好きなアクセサリーを作り続けています。 マンハッタンのお店においてもらったり、教室を主催したり、好きな仕事をしていられる事に日々新鮮な喜びを感じています。 


Kiyomi Endo was born in Shizuoka, Japan and spent her early days in the small town of Izu Hanto. She eventually moved to Yokohama and worked in international business after graduating college. She has also lived in Germany, Los Angeles, and currently resides in Port Washington, NY. 

"Ever since I was a small child, I have liked to make things. Even after becoming an adult, my fascination with making has endured, and I continually look for new ways of expressing myself, having tried pottery, bread making, and Yuzen silk printing in the past. During my time in Los Angeles, I encountered the joy of jewelry making and, entranced by its beauty, slowly delved deeper into the art. I mostly experiment with sterling silver, gold fill, and with natural stones like pearls and gemstones. Recently, I have been creating pieces using silk thread. I have had the pleasure of displaying and selling my work at several Manhattan shops. I invest a lot of energy in teaching, and hold lessons for students in my community during the week. Everyday, I feel blessed for being able to pursue my passion while doing my job."